Reflections from 2015!

Got a minute, This is Bob!   As another year comes to a close, we should all take time to look back over the year and take  INVENTORY of our lives and how we used the days we were given. How did I treat my wife and four daughters; did I grow in my faith, were my words ‘true, kind and necessary, how did I treat my neighbors and fellow workers?  Just some good food for thought as I start another year.

A  couple books that impacted my life were 1) “Do Less and Be More”  by John Busacker. At first I thought there was a spelling mistake, but upon reading the book, it was all about priorities and a call to live a more focused and generous life. The other book was called,  “Bonhoeffer – Pastor, Prophet, Martyr and Spy”.  Dietrich Bonhoeffer was an evangelical pastor during the Nazi regime. His courage and convictions ultimately lead to his death. It reminds me of the Jews who revolted against King Herod in the first century and “gave their lives rather than become slaves to the Romans”.

May you and your family have a Merry Christmas celebrating the birth of our Savior  and the joy of being with family.  Love, Bob




One thought on “Reflections from 2015!

  1. Dear Bob, indeed you are very right wth your retrosspective and its a joy once a while one need to  stop to reflect over the recent past . Such reflections end up building bridges among friends, ,relations strenthening friendships etc. On behalfof Ghana, Wheelchair athletes and on my own family, we  are wishing you, all that you wish for every one including The Ranch  2016 NOT forgetting your FAMILY in full force, Coach Caesar


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